While I was documenting that sticker I’m making for the macbook I’ve ordered I accidentally dropped my camera 10cm. It landed on the lens. The lens got pushed in and looked totally broken. While trying to fix it it suddenly looked like this:
I managed to get it together again, and it’s working. I’m able to take photos with it, but it does not want to retract again.
I dont have any warranty left on it, it’s over 2 years, atleast. Sure I have an insurance but if I excercise that one, I will have to pay more for the insurance later on.
A new camera needs to be bought, I’ll look around, see what I can find. probably it will be the same series. Unless anyone have a tip?
What I’m looking for is:
- Fast to start.
- Good quality images
- Battery that are either interchangable or lasts forever.
- Takes SD-Cards
- Works well during poor lightning.
The one I broke was a Fujifilm Finepix F40FD